

Extra Life Tracker is a collection of web pages that can be used as a web source in streaming software such as OBS to display your and your team's current Extra Life fund raising status and goal.

View the Project on GitHub BozarthPrime/Extra-Life-Tracker

Subteam Participants Goal

A widget that displays the fundraising amounts of specified of participants for when you have multiple people playing on one stream. It can also cycle through participants if you have more than you want to have displayed at a time.



To update the settings update their value in subteam-participants-settings.js with any plain text editor. If you make settings changes while the scene is active you can refresh the widget by right clicking the source, selecting “Properties” and then clicking “Refresh cache of current page”.

Name Description Value Type Default value
participantIds Extra Life participant IDs Array of Text Empty array
displayCount How many participants to display at once. If the number of participants is larger than the display count it will cycle through them Integer 2
showHeader If the header message should be shown Boolean true
headerMessage Header message to display at the top of the widget Text “Donation Goals”
refreshTimeMS How often the data should be refreshed in milliseconds Integer 10000
logWhenUpdating Development setting: If the widget should log to the javascipt console when updating Boolean false

How to get someone’s Participant ID

  1. Go to extra-life.org
  2. Navigate to the person’s participant fundraising page
  3. Copy the Participant ID out of the address bar. It is the number after “participantID” and should be at the end of the address. See example image


Setup in OBS or Streamlabs

  1. In the “Sources” section click the “+” to add a new source, selecting “BrowserSource”
  2. Select the “Create new” radio button
  3. Set the name to something appropriate (e.x. “Extra Life Tracker - Subteam Participants”)
  4. Make sure “Make source visible” is checked
  5. Click “OK” to create the source
  6. Check “Local file”
  7. Click “Browse” next to the “Local file” line and select subteam-participants.html
  8. Set “Width” to at least 300 (the widget will fill the whole width given)
  9. Set “Height” to (30 * displayCount) + 2 (+28 with header)
  10. Click “OK” to finish the setup